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Can IBM help with your entry to the BTYSTE Primary Science fair February 6, 2012

Posted by bodonovan in IBM, Smarter Buildings, Smarter Enegry, Smarter Healthcare, Smarter Transport.

IBM has a strong culture of encouraging employees to volunteer to help organisations in their community. For example, you can visit this site to read what we did during our centennial year. One of our recently launched programs is a scheme where IBM employees help local schools do projects relating to IBM.s Smarter Planet initiative.

Some people think that young children will have trouble understanding what is involved with our Smarter Planet initiative, but we find that with a little assistance, they have no trouble in getting involved. To see how this might work, look at the video below which features  an interview with some pupils from Mount Sackville primary school about a Smarter Energy project that they carried out for this years primary science fair with assistance from IBM employees.

We would like to grow this type of partnership between IBM and local schools. If any schools are interested in doing a project for next years primary science fair and would like to get a member of IBM staff to come an help them with their project, please leave a comment on this blog and we will see if we can make arrangements. Naturally  we are more likely to be able to help if the IBM volunteers live near the school, but if you don’t ask you will never know.


1. kennedydee - February 9, 2012

This sounds great, I’d really like to introduce the idea to my children’s school.

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